How does hemorrhoid embolization compare to other minimally invasive treatments for internal hemorrhoids? And how can you choose the best treatment for your condition? Keep reading to find out!
Between 5 and 40% of the population have hemorrhoids, or swollen veins in your anus or lower rectum. There are two kinds of hemorrhoids: internal, located inside your rectum, and external, located outside. While external hemorrhoids are more likely to cause pain, internal hemorrhoids can be painful, but prone to bleeding.
In fact, chronic bleeding is the main symptom people with internal hemorrhoids complain about. As such, our patients typically seek treatment for internal hemorrhoids when they notice blood in their stool.
There are several minimally invasive treatment options for internal hemorrhoids. These include changes to your diet; oral medications; injections; and therapies such as rubber band ligation. However, for a good 10% of patients with internal hemorrhoids, these treatments failed. The result? Until recently, those individuals were left with two options: continue suffering, or schedule a hemorrhoidectomy. (That's the surgical removal of these swollen veins.) But surgery comes with its own risk of complications. And that led to the development of a superior treatment option: hemorrhoid embolization.
Developed approximately 10 years ago, hemorrhoid embolization is a new way to treat stage 1 through 3 internal hemorrhoids. But how does it compare to other treatment options? Here's what you need to know. When you choose hemorrhoid embolization, you don't have to worry about anal incontinence or rectal wounds. Plus, this procedure allows you to retain the tissue surrounding your hemorrhoids, and you get to avoid general anesthesia and an overnight hospital stay. Best of all, most patients can resume their full activity level just three days after the procedure.
Of course, all of that sounds great. But we know you have one more question. Does hemorrhoid embolization last? Well, here's some more great news. While other treatments for internal hemorrhoids have a 49% recurrence rate (meaning your hemorrhoids come back again) hemorrhoid embolizations have a success rate that hovers around 90%. So, what does that mean for you?
If you want relief from the discomfort, itchiness and bleeding of internal hemorrhoids, you can do so without invasive surgery. Contact our interventional radiologists in Houston and Dallas. We'll schedule a consultation to determine if you're a candidate for hemorrhoid embolization.
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