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Understanding Peripheral Artery Disease with Texas Endovascular

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Finding the underlying cause of your symptoms and providing the treatment you need—sooner.

Lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a circulatory condition that affects about 10% of the population.

Although some patients may not experience symptoms, 30% to 40% of those with moderate to severe PAD cases will. Symptoms are often overlooked or attributed to aging or inactivity; however, if you are experiencing any unusual leg symptoms regularly, it’s best to get checked.

If you’ve been recently diagnosed with PAD, need detailed answers to questions like “What is PAD?” or are experiencing symptoms consistent with the condition, our team of vein specialists in Houston and Dallas are here for you.

Let’s explore PAD, including its symptoms, causes, risk factors, and preventions.

What Is PAD?

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a circulatory disease that occurs when narrowed arteries in the legs or arms reduce blood flow throughout the body.

When this happens, the body cannot keep up with its standard demands, leading to various symptoms, including leg pain.

Learn more about:
Epidemiology of PAD | PAD Revascularization Treatment | When PAD medications Aren't Working


The most common cause of PAD is plaque buildup inside the arteries.

This plaque consists of cholesterol, calcium, fibrin, and fatty substances. PAD causes the arteries to narrow and harden, a condition known as atherosclerosis.

When this happens, blood flow is extensively reduced to vital organs and limbs, preventing them from keeping up with the body’s demands.

Since plaque narrows arteries and prevents the blood from flowing as it should, a blood clot can form on the plaque’s surface, or a piece of the plaque can break off and stop the flow completely, resulting in a heart attack or stroke.

Other less common causes of PAD include:

No matter the cause, PAD limits the flow of oxygen-containing blood to the legs, which can cause painful and debilitating symptoms.

Learn more about the causes of PAD

Common Risk Factors

The primary risk factor for PAD is tobacco use.

Other common PAD risk factors include:

See all risk factors of PAD

Signs and Symptoms of PAD

Individuals with PAD do not always experience symptoms due to the disease gradually worsening over many years.

Individuals with PAD symptoms often experience mild cramping and leg pain early on during active periods of walking or running. This pain can usually be relieved by resting the legs but will return once the activity is resumed.

Too often, patients do not seek professional care until their health worsens to the point that PAD symptoms become severe and debilitating.

The most common symptoms of PAD include:

Don’t live with unanswered questions like, “Could my symptoms be PAD” and “What is PAD, anyway?” Contact Texas Endovascular at the first sign of unusual leg pain during normal daily activities, like walking.

With simple diagnostic testing and minimally invasive treatments available, there is no need to avoid activities you love to keep your leg pain under control. There are a number of non-invasive PAD screening options available. In some cases, PAD medication combined with lifestyle changes can often be enough to manage the condition effectively in its early stages.

Who Is at Risk for PAD?

PAD is a common disease among Americans and can affect anyone at anytime.

Smokers and those with diabetes have the highest risk of developing PAD. High-risk populations for PAD include people with the following factors:


If left untreated, PAD could result in severe and potentially life-threatening consequences, including:


The best way to reduce your risk of developing PAD or mitigate the severity of your symptoms is to live a healthy lifestyle by:

Following these guidelines can potentially help to improve your PAD prognosis.

Effective PAD Treatment at Texas Endovascular

At Texas Endovascular, our board-certified physicians have extensive education and training in diagnosing and treating PAD.

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