Living a healthy lifestyle—full of exercise and nourishing food—can go a long way towards protecting your vein and cardiovascular health. But what happens when your profession increases your risk for developing
spider veins? You learn the facts and take action to keep your job from hurting your health! That’s why we’re sharing this important information.
Professions that Increase your Varicose Vein Risk 
Certain jobs can take a major toll on your veins, increasing the likelihood of problems. Some of the top professions include:
Standing all day puts a lot of pressure on your veins. And many teachers stand in front of a class from 8 am until 3 pm, with very few opportunities to sit and rest. Want to minimize your risk? Take a quick trip to the teacher’s lounge and sit down, with your feet up, whenever possible.
Wait staff
Waiters and restaurant hosts stay on their feet for their entire shifts. And while waiters at least have the benefit of walking between tables and the kitchen, helping pump some of the blood out of their legs, hosts stay in one spot, greeting diners as they arrive. In order to mitigate risks, try to limit shift length and give extra attention to your feet and legs on days when you’re not on the job.
Flight attendants
Long flights take a toll on everybody’s vein health. So, imagine flying every day AND spending the majority of that flying time on your feet, serving needy passengers. People who fly for a living need to practice vein-saving, in-flight exercises (see image at right for one example) in order to minimize their risk of complications.
Office Staff
As it turns out, sitting all day isn’t so great for your vein health, either. The effects are similar to all-day standing: blood will start to pool in your feet and legs, making your valves and veins work harder to get it back up to your heart. Taking frequent walking breaks can help mitigate the risk of sitting at your computer all day.
Lowering On-the-Job Vein Health Risks
Aside from the job-specific tips we already shared, here are some other steps you can take to minimize your risk for varicose veins:
· Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
· Consider compression stockings to help boost circulation in your lower extremities
· When you do sit, avoid crossing your legs
· Elevate your feet for at least 30 minutes, every day
· Get regular cardiovascular exercise (it doesn’t need to be high-impact. Even walking will make a major difference!) And that's not all! Walking is also a great way to protect your
arteries. In fact, a recent study in JAMA revealed that high-intensity walking can make it easier to manage PAD symptoms like pain with walking, also called
claudication. (Even if your
walking program hurts when you start, sticking with it can help you walk for longer before you experience pain!)
What to Watch for if Your Varicose Vein Risk is Elevated
If your job puts you in a higher risk category for vein disease, you should see a vein specialist if you notice any of the following symptoms:
· Swollen lumpy veins
· Color changes in your veins, specifically if they appear to be dark blue or purple
· Leg pain or legs that feel heavy
Of course, you don’t have to see symptoms of varicose veins in order to visit our
Houston and Dallas area vein clinics. If you know your risk for vein disease is already elevated, proactive vein care could go a long way towards preventing negative outcomes! So reach out to our team of specialists, and
request an appointment today. From a
diagnostic ultrasound to thorough physical exams and
treatment recommendations, we have the tools to keep your job from damaging your vein health!
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